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PERMANENT SETTLEMENT: The Town of Brunswick-A Visit to the Cape Fear in 1734-Erection of Wilmington, Decay of Brunswick-The Spanish Invasion, 1747-The War of Jenkins’ Ear-The Site of Fort Johnston-Colonial Plantations on the Cape Fear-Colonial Orton-Crane Neck Heron Colony on Orton Plantation-Plantations on the Northeast-Social Conditions-Libraries on the Cape Fear-Colonial Governors of North Carolina-Colonial Members of the General Assembly This is the honor literary society of America, organized at William and Mary in 1776, and in the selection of those invited to become members the greatest care is exercised, membership being equivalent to an honorary degree conferred by any of our colleges and giving the recipient special distinction.ĮXPLORATION AND SETTLEMENT: Origin of the Name Cape Fear-The Cape Fear River and Its Tributaries-The Cape Fear Indians-Notes on the Archæology of New Hanover County-Indian Mounds on the Cape Fear-Indians of the Lower Cape Fear-Report of the Commissioners sent in 1663 to Explore the Coast-Charlestown, the First Attempted Settlement on the Cape Fear-Sandford's Account of Conditions on Charles River-End of the Settlement on Charles River, the First Charlestown-Cape Fear Pirates of 1719

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Mary, in Virginia, chartered in 1693, unanimously elected him a member, causa honoris, of the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society of that college. And more recently the old historic College of William and In recognition of his service to the State in constructive citizenship and in his writings and in appreciation of his personal excellence and merit, the University of North Carolina last year conferred upon Mr. His research has been extensive and remarkably successful especially has he been indefatigable in rescuing from oblivion the history of the Cape Fear and clothing in his own inimitable style the romantic tales and stirring deeds that belong to the development of that section of North Carolina.

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And in addition to being a liberal promotor of the writings of others, his personal output in the field of historical literature has been a distinctive and valuable contribution.

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The fund he placed at the disposal of the University of North Carolina has enabled that institution to publish a series of historical monographs of peculiar interest, the one published in 1903 being of particular importance to Wilmington and the Cape Fear people. Sprunt has long been interested in historical literature, and through his liberality many publications of interest and value have in recent years been made. No trouble has been spared in either edition to secure the greatest exactitude in details, and especially has this been true of the edition now presented. The incorporation of this new matter has necessitated some changes in the old, most of which have been merely verbal, but in a few instances more important changes have been made to secure greater uniformity and conform to more recent information concerning certain local traditions and memories. Numerous and insistent have been the requests for a second edition, to which he has finally yielded, and in doing so he has embodied much additional matter of interest and importance equal to that contained in the first edition. Sprunt's endeavor to preserve the memories of the Cape Fear has been appreciated beyond his expectations. The general expression of gratification at its publication and the generous recognition of its value are emphatic assurances that Mr. The reception of the Cape Fear Chronicles, not only by friends of the author but by the general reader, and in particular by historical scholars, has been most unusual.

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